
Tuesday 24 May 2016

SPaG Punctuation

For SPaG this week, my group and I have created a D.L.O. about punctuation like using comma's and full stop's. In this activity we had to fix some sentences like for example "Lets eat Mrs Anderson!" that just tells me that we are going to to Mrs Anderson. When I fixed it and put a comma between eat and Mrs, this is what it sounded like "Lets Eat, Mrs Anderson!" For this activity I was learning to understand how to put punctuation in the right place, to make it make sense.

Monday 23 May 2016

Water Safety: Thinking Grid

This term we have swimming. For the people who weren't swimming had to complete tasks about swimming and how to be safe. Me and my partner have created a thinking grid that asks us how to keep yourself and others safe. 

Family Tree D.L.O.

For reading this week we have been reading about China, about how their life goes. China was only aloud one child, and if they more than one child, that child will be sent to a foster care or to be sent somewhere dumped. I have made a D.L.O. about there family tree compared to mine. I have a lot of siblings, but every time I look at I feel terrible. I am lucky to have a big family, and without them I would have a family like China.

Monday 16 May 2016

Narrative Story

  • Sunlight
  • Clothes
  • Rubbish
  • Other pair of me
  • Snoozing
  • Vaccum
  • Howling

  • Lonely
  • Worn out
  • Wet
  • Bruised
  • Cold
  • abandoned
  • Dust
  • Sweat
  • Mud
  • Dirt

  • Toe jams
  • Soaked socks
  • Rubbish
  • Bed legs
  • Clothing

The Mind Changing Shoes

On a cold winter's night, I was getting ready to play on the soccer field. As I was about to be put on I was taken back of. I felt like I was a disappointment and I was sitting in the locker room all by myself lonely. I could smell a disgusting soaked socks and I was about to die. I tried to hold my breath but the smell was to strong. I was saved from someone who had finally open the locker door. I could see light flashing through my eyes, as I was so excited but then as soon as I got to see properly the locker door just shut in my face again. Then again I could smell a load of rubbish like it was right next to me. I fell asleep and the owner took me home with him, he shoved me under his bed cold and abandoned. I felt worn out when I was shoved under the bed and like I was useless again. The next morning came, I could feel the sunlight against my face. I finally knew I was useless to be worn until I was surprised I was bought and been warned. The owner had soccer practice at 8 in the morning, I was getting prepared to not be worn again.

I was back to my old place with the smelly soaked socks and the disgusting rubbishes. As his foot went inside I smelt like toe jams, I couldn’t hold my breath any longer so I had to breathe his own feet. I couldn’t believe I was sad just to be worn now look I ended up smelling toe jams. As my face was getting stomped on, I could feel my face being bruised badly, I felt like I was in a car crash. There was something coming up to me it was really smelling I didn’t want to be stood on I wonder what it was. The owner was running along the field until it stepped on mud that smelt like poo. I couldn’t believe my face I was all covered in mud that smelt really bad. I felt like I wanted to go back into my locker with the soaked socks and the disgusting rubbish bin, I thought that smelt better than this time. He was carrying me home in his hands and I was so tired and cold. I just wanted to run away and be with another owner that would actually care and wash me every night.

This week for writing I have been writing a narrative based on shoes which is you. I had to explain what I was feeling, what I could see, hear and touch. I have used these senses to tell my story.

Halving & Doubling

Today in maths I have been learning about halving and doubling. See these questions made it even harder, but then when my teacher got to explain it, it became easier to solve. I have created a D.L.O. explaining how to solve these 2 simple equations.

Friday 13 May 2016

Using The 6 Think Hats To Explore A Ballad Poem

Today for reading the whole class have been synthesizing about a video clip about Charlotte Anne. She was a hero. She was the first ever women to where men trousers and rugged boots. She broke the and proved that women can do anything that men can do. If it wasn't for her we would still be wearing longs skirts and cleaning houses.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Structure Information Report

For writing my partner and I have been learning about writing a structure information report. In this activity there is a introduction and a heading, 3 body paragraphs,and a conclusion to sum up the information report.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Synthesizing About Gorillas

Today in reading my partner and I have been synthesizing about gorilla's. First we had to start off with what we already knew about gorilla's then we wrote down what we found out and what our new thinking was. When we started we thought gorilla's were just hairy huge fat eating banana apes were just aggressive but when we got to learn more we found out they were endangered species. When we herd that they were endangered we thought we should care and respect them, show how important they are and preventing them from extinction. In this activity, I have learnt to synthesize about gorilla's.

Monday 9 May 2016

Greetings In Mandarin

This week for inquiry I have created a D.L.O that explains who you say Hello,Goodbye and Thank you in Chinese. Did you know that Mandarin is the official Chinese language? If you would like to hear what these words sound like CLICK here


Today in maths I have been practicing my multiplication and division. So far for my last points i have gotten up to 118 points. I got up to this one and this one is hard because I forgot the answers. I am so close to finishing it.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Structure Of An Information Report

Identifying the structure of an information report

LI: to understand the structure of information reports

Your challenge:

Use the key to help you show the structure of an information report.

Highlight the introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion by changing the background colour of the table.

Highlight the other structures by using the highlight function.

Body Paragraphs

Interesting fact (to hook readers in)

Title of body paragraph

Description of topic

Topic sentence that tells the reader what the paragraph is about

Tell the reader what the report is about

Special knowledge to help the readers understand


Blue Whale

The blue whale is a type of mammal called a cetacean and is a type of baleen whale. The scientific name for the blue whale is the Balaenoptera muscolus. Blue whales are by far the biggest animals in the world. Even the biggest dinosaur that ever lived doesn't come close in size to the blue whale.

To eat, blue whales filter their food through stiff, bony, comb-like teeth called baleen plates. Their main diet is krill (small creatures that are less than 2 cm in size). A blue whale can eat up to 3,600 kilograms of krill a day during its peak consumption period. Blue whales catch their food by diving down to about 500 meters below the surface.

Blue whales are found in open oceans from the icy waters of the extreme Southern Hemisphere to the Aleutian Islands off Alaska at the northern boundary of the Pacific Ocean. Summers are spent in polar waters because food production is higher there.

Blue whales are simply enormous. Their heart is the size of a small car. A blue whale aorta (the main blood vessel) alone is large enough for a human to crawl through. They can weigh over 200,000 kilograms! Female blue whales are generally larger than males. Blue whales are light bluish gray on their dorsal side and mottled gray whitish on their bellies. Some have yellowish bellies.
Endangered species

The worldwide blue whale population is not known, however, blue whales are considered endangered according to the U.S. Endangered Species Act. For many years blue whales were hunted extensively for their large quantities of baleen, blubber, and meat. Although blue whales are protected, their populations show few signs of recovery.
Blue whales are large mammals that spends their time in the icy oceans.  They only eat krill and are not a threat to any other creature in the ocean.  Blue whales face the risk of extinction if humans continue to hunt them for their baleen, blubber and meat.


Today for reading I have created a cover for my biography of Sacajawea using what we already knew about them and what we found out after researching. The new information helped us think about their picture would look like, what the title might be and what background would match their achievements.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Word Wall D.L.O

Word Wall: Sub
Word wall Paragraph

The temperature was freezing as if it was a sub-zero temperature as Jeff had to subdue the sled dogs from going off track in a blizzard during a dog sled race. It’s neighboring country (Canada) was having a war. When all of sudden, a submarine submerged from the waters. The Subaltern Corporal lead the assault, his men were frightened but the corporal managed subside them. They entered the hidden subway their men dug. As they entered they felt a subnormal presence.

Today for writing we got put in groups to work together and find out what the word sub meant but underground or below. My group and I have come up with lots of words that related to a underground or below word. For our word wall paragraph we had to choose 8 or 9 words from our word wall full of sub words and put them into a paragraph. The prefix meaning to sub means under or below.

Using 5 Timetables To Solve Our Problem

Today in maths my partner nd I have created a D.L.O that explains using your 5 timetables to answer your question. We have put 3 equations and broken it apart so it is easier.