
Thursday 17 April 2014

Anzac Biscuits


Two days ago we were going to bake some Anzac Biscuits. Mrs Miller cut us into groups and the first group went with Mrs Miller to the hall kitchen. After that when the first group came back Mrs smith told to walk to the hall kitchen cause Mrs Miller was waiting for us there.

Mean while Mrs Miller told us to do something so she told me and mere and also sakae to put in the sugar,flower, coconut and oats. When we put everything inside the bowl we mixed it all together. 

Next Mrs Miller told us to roll the ingredient into a ball and flat it down on the tray. When we finished we ran back to class and we waited for our biscuits after lunch.

Poetry Recital Evaluation

Practice Poetry Recital Evaluation

Were you pleased with how you sounded? Why or why not?
I was not pleased with my poem because i didn't use any expression in it.

What helped you learn your poem?
By learning it of by heart cause before i didn't know of by heart.

Did you look at your audience?
Yes I did look at my audience and I was proud of my self.

Did you speak clearly?
No i didn't speak clearly but i need more practice.

Did you use an expressive voice?
No didn't use expressive voice.

What are your next steps?

My next steps are to use more expression to my poem.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Panmure Library

Today in the afternoon we were getting ready to go to the Panmure Library. Mrs Miller told us to get into buddy'sand my buddy was Mere. After that we were walking to the library on the side path. Mean while we got to the crossing and then we took some short cuts to the library. Next we were at the library and this lovely woman took us to the back of the library and there was a room with people in there.

When we entered the room there were 4 people there names were called Pare, Ole, Juanita and also Kare. Pare told us to sit on each mat and she said good afternoon and we said good afternoon too. Kare told us that we were going to do a play about our local mountain. On my side Pare told us to stay and the group thy had to go with Juanita and Ole outside.

Pare and Kare told us that we are going to use a weapon called a rakau. We practiced for a few minutes then Pare called the other group to come inside. Pare told us a story and we were going to fight well she tells the story. Mean while when we finished having a war Pare told us to go and stand at each table.

When we went to go and stand at the table Pare ,Ole and Kare handed out some clay. We all followed Juanita's rules and then they  also handed out some necklaces for us to push down our clay.

Next we were finished and we put all of our clay in a bag. We all said thank you for having us and Mrs Miller asked if they could visit our blog and they said we would love too. After that we walked back to school and we all had fun.

"My favorite part was using the weapons and also using the clay."

Here is a picture of what we did at the Library.


Monday 7 April 2014

Weekly Number Challenge

Today’s Number:

Write it in words
twenty eight

Write it as an expanded number
(hundreds, tens and ones)
2 tens and eight ones.

The number that comes after

The number that comes before

Add 10

Double it

Half of it

The easiest part was halving it.
The hardest part was doubling it.
I need to work on my hundreds,tens and ones.

Monday Quick Writes

Super Hero Story
 Once upon a time a super hero was getting ready to save a little boy from drowning at the beach.  Once the super hero was dressed to save the little boy he zoomed out the door to the beach. When he got to the beach he saw the little boy. He was in the water and he was sinking. 

When the super hero put the little boy safely on shore everyone was cheering for him. Meanwhile the super hero flew back to his place and he was so happy that had saved the little boy.

A super hero has a cape around him and a belt that goes around his waste. He also has yellow gloves that he puts on and big black boots that he always wear. Super heroes are from the past and they live in this secret place that no one can find them.

Here is my super hero picture. :)

Friday 4 April 2014

My Quiz


I improved racing the teacher on XMaybe next time I should focus more on my basic fact.

Naming The Baby

Naming the Baby
SJ P2 N4 2009

Re-read your book with a buddy in your group.
Answer these questions in blue.
Remember to use capital letters and fullstops.
Try to use the question to start the answer.

1.  What is a glossary?
A glossary is a place at the end of a book where you can go to find words in the story that you don’t know the meaning to.

2.  Highlight whether these sentences are FACT or OPINION:
Charlotte is a spider’s name. FACT / OPINION
Sara is a name from the bible. FACT / OPINION
Maria is a good name for a baby. FACT / OPINION
Filemu means peace. FACT / OPINION

3.  Use the define tool to find out what peace is.  Highlight the word peace, two finger tap and select define. Write it here: Freedom from disturbance quiet and tranquility “you can while away an hour or two in peace and seclusion".

4. Why did Grandpa have to lean on Jane when they walked to the living room?
Grandpa had to lean on Jane because he wanted to see the baby.

5.  Explain why they chose the name Filemu Taimane.
They chose the name filemu taiman because it’s a samoan name.

Early Finishers:
Read the poem Sky Waka on the last page.  What is the sky waka?
A sky waka is navigating the night.