
Thursday 10 April 2014

Panmure Library

Today in the afternoon we were getting ready to go to the Panmure Library. Mrs Miller told us to get into buddy'sand my buddy was Mere. After that we were walking to the library on the side path. Mean while we got to the crossing and then we took some short cuts to the library. Next we were at the library and this lovely woman took us to the back of the library and there was a room with people in there.

When we entered the room there were 4 people there names were called Pare, Ole, Juanita and also Kare. Pare told us to sit on each mat and she said good afternoon and we said good afternoon too. Kare told us that we were going to do a play about our local mountain. On my side Pare told us to stay and the group thy had to go with Juanita and Ole outside.

Pare and Kare told us that we are going to use a weapon called a rakau. We practiced for a few minutes then Pare called the other group to come inside. Pare told us a story and we were going to fight well she tells the story. Mean while when we finished having a war Pare told us to go and stand at each table.

When we went to go and stand at the table Pare ,Ole and Kare handed out some clay. We all followed Juanita's rules and then they  also handed out some necklaces for us to push down our clay.

Next we were finished and we put all of our clay in a bag. We all said thank you for having us and Mrs Miller asked if they could visit our blog and they said we would love too. After that we walked back to school and we all had fun.

"My favorite part was using the weapons and also using the clay."

Here is a picture of what we did at the Library.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Victoria
    I like your dance.
    How long did it take you to learn that dance.
    That looks really cool and fun to learn I wish I would be there to learn that.
    I hope you had fun doing that.

    By Saveu
